Friday, May 4, 2012

This is kind of deep :/ but read it :]

Dear FutureMe,
 you wrote this letter when you were 14 , your probably looking at this and saying " i don't remember this " , but maybe a little summary of your old life will help you remember how you lived and how was your life was like when you were younger. . .
 right now as we speak your living with your mom and two nephews, marcus and chris. your mom just finished getting surgery for breast cancer, she's doing fine right now. recovering from those nasty scars :/ , family wise ? you don't really want to be around them . but you're learning that even though you don't want to be around them that they will always be there for you , your nephews are a pain in the butt ! they don't understand how hard it is to help mom with the condition she's in and helping her take care of them at the same time. well hopefully this is bringing most of your memory back ! , but anyways. you were in 8th grade when you wrote this and couldn't wait to go off to highschool :] , you been in a one year relationship with ___ and you enjoyed every minute of it , even though people in school didnt want you being together , your best friends that were always there for you were brittany , diamond , amy , jillian , jazmin and sarai , OH and susana ! they were the girls you spent all your mornings in advisory, all your lunch's with ( when you didn't get in trouble ) and most of your afternoons with.. you loved them more then EVER ! they were like your sisters , you'd tell them anything , you known them since 4th grade , and your love for them grew stronger everyday. but your real BESTFRIEND that you do everything with and could be yourself around was kenny, oh man how much you loved him, , you could laugh and talk about anything with him, you didn't care about what anyone thought about him, you can do the silliest things around him and act wierd , and nothing will change the way he thought or felt about you . but .. everything i just said didn't bring you the happiest moods. because all this drama occured and made you depressed , at one point NO ONE was talking to you , but you tryed being strong, still went to school and everything, faked a smile and head held high, things began to change at home and all you could do was sit there and let things fall back into place. you would wonder why all the bad things happened to you, or why its you being put in these position's. life goes on and i learned as a young girl that life its self isnt fully developed like we are , its still has problems but it gets better . . the happiest moments for you are when your with your father . he'd always tell you that you can talk to him about anything, even though you feel like if you do tell him something he'll sit there and judge you :/ , you sometimes feel like you cant even tell your close friends anything. . i hope in the future i marry who i want to marry :x lol. i honestly do not want kids, but i dont want to feel lonely so i probably will have one or two :] hopefully when i read this 2O years from now i reached my goal of being famous or have a really good job , i hope i got to help my family out and been there for them when they needed me, most important i hope my mom got to see me graduate from highschool or college <3 , then my life would be complete :D , softball and dancing is your LIFE, you enjoy doing both ! , you sing alittle too :X , even though your so insecure about it . but you cant help it , you love doing it ! you made mistakes when you were younger and by the time you read this you know why you did them , some of them i cant even explain , i feel like im a parent most times , because i have to help my mom with everything ! knowing the condition shes in i dont mind, its not like i dont have a childhood , cause i do but now i know what struggles she goes through. memories are coming back ? OH so you do remember this old life ? well at least you know :T , i love every bit of my life because its making me realize most things that blinded me from the beginning , and things are becoming so clearer to me , and i hope when im older i look back at this letter and it changes the way i saw life from now to when im older ,


  1. Aww :']
    This was so cute. I Love how
    you were so deep & Detailed With
    Everything . You Better Not
    Forget me in 2O Years Missy !

    - I Love you PIC ♡

  2. i love you too and im not ! :']
