Friday, May 11, 2012


who are people to judge us on our mistakes ? alot of people make mistakes. honestly everything happens for a reason , for better or for worse. some people do things on purpose, and i dont judge them. maybe their tired of certain things , OR they want to experience something they havent before. but thats there DECISION ! if they choose to do something let them, its their life. BUT i'd never let my friends do something wrong , i just cant watch them get judged for the thing they did knowing i couldve prevented it from happening. but then again if its something they really want to do who are you to stop them ? i think mistakes happen for different reasons. it can change someones life in many ways , Honestly, some people cant even say anything about peoples mistakes or past because it happens to everyone, you may not know it but everyone will or at least made one mistake. and its sad for someone to get judged on when the people done it THEMSELVES ! im speaking on behalf of all the people that made mistakes because i too had made mistakes and have been judged, and didnt like it. it has helped my life in certain ways but i had ups and downs , life is WAAAAY to short to be regreting things and trying to make things right,

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